Community Member: “You mean it’s free? There’s no catch?”
Aspen Team Member: “Covers for Others is absolutely free.”
You cannot imagine the looks of disbelief you get when you tell people that your company gives away free roofs to people every year. With companies that only care about profits and tons of fake social media giveaways these days it is hard to tell what companies are honest about their programs.
The Covers for Others program is also known as C4O. It is an annual program that was implemented in 2015 by Aspen Contracting. The program is dedicated to donating free roofs to deserving community members nationwide. Past recipients have included underinsured homeowners, military veterans, first responders, community volunteers, and those who have experienced hardship.
Aspen saw a crucial need for roof repairs and wanted to help ease the burden of homeowners. Nothing provides peace of mind quite like a safe, dry home. These winners will have a new roof over their head, complete with the color of their choice, courtesy of Aspen Contracting and local sponsors.
“We realize that there are many people out there who have made a positive impact in the community by serving our country, helping others in need, first responders and even those who may have experienced a hardship. Giving back is a part of our core values at Aspen and this program is a way for us to do that in the communities that we work in,” said Pat Nussbeck, President, and CEO of Aspen.
All one has to do is go online to nominate someone they think are deserving of a free roof. Once nominations are selected the program then opens up for voting. After voting, evaluations start and the final recipients are selected. On installation day, recipients enjoy a fun neighborhood bar-b-q with their friends, family and neighbors, a token of appreciation to show just how valued they are to their community.
Aspen Contracting’s C4O program has provided 36 families with new roofs in total, over the last three years. Aspen is planning on donating at least five roofs this year. Added bonus, Aspen provides a lifetime warranty on these installs just as they do with any other project. This really does take the burden of a poor roof system away from the homeowner. We need your help to spread the word; to help your community members. You can learn more information about the program or participate in nominations and voting at http://www.covers4others.com
Covers for Others is an annual program that donates free roofs to deserving community members nationally. The program relies on other community members to participate in nominations and voting.
Nominate: April 11th- July 31st
Vote: August 8th- August 31st
Winner Announcement: Tuesday, Sept 11th
Build Date Scheduled with Homeowner after 9/11