Many commercial building owners are wondering if their current projects will get finished anytime soon and whether or not their current concerns will be addressed. Not only that but will it be safe to do during the Coronavirus Stay at Home Orders that have been implemented in most states. The short answer to all those questions is yes. Yes your project that’s already in progress can be complete, yes your concerns of possible roof damage can be looked at right now with no delay and yes, there is a way to do all of this safely without putting yourself or your employees in harms way.
Over the past few weeks, many building owners have asked us how the coronavirus is impacting our company and what’s going to happen with future roofing projects.
Can My Current Project be Completed?
As part of the construction community, roofing is considered an essential job. With that being said, if you have a project in progress it should be able to be finished with no problem, while crew members practice social distancing. Since all the work will be performed on the exterior most situations will not require any entrance into the building.
All correspondence can be done via phone and email to keep from making any physical contact. If your business is suffering financial hardship due to a shutdown, verify if there is a payment arrangement that can be set up to allow work to continue while we wait for business to get back to normal.
Can I Start A New Project During COVID-19?
Whether your business is shutdown or not during the Coronavirus crisis, now is as good a time as any to start a new roofing project for your business. While some companies are shutdown, we continue to do work and set up new projects daily.
Waiting to get a problem fixed can cause more harm in the long run. Not only more harm to the property, but more harm to your bank account as the problem could get worse and cost you more. This is definitely a good time if your staff is working from home as the work will not distract or disturb them. Maintaining the safety of your building starts with the roof and this not only keeps the building secure, but also protects the occupants of any unknown dangers.
Is it Safe to Have Contractors Around During COVID-19?
At a time like this the safety of our employees and customers is priority number one. At Aspen we have taken every precaution possible to keep from contracting or spreading the Coronavirus.
First of all no contact is necessary. We have the technology to be 100% digital. Starting with the initial discussion, to the roof inspection, to showing you what we see on your roof, to scheduling and meeting with an adjuster, to tearing down, to replacing the roof, to collecting the final payment and signing your lifetime warranty. You never have to come into physical contact with us. Our Project Consultants and crews have been trained to follow all CDC Health guidelines as well as to wear gloves and mask when on the job site. We can be 100% sure that working with Aspen during this Pandemic, will not increase your risk of contracting Coronavirus. For a detail list of what Aspen is doing , please review our COVID-19 response.