Can You Replace A Roof In The Winter

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Residential, Winter Roofing

The headquarters for Aspen Contracting is in Missouri, and if you’ve visited the state, you know Missouri winters can be rather harsh. Roofing jobs are being completed as the weather changes, but what happens when winter comes in full force? The short answer is roofs are still being replaced during the winter months. Not every contracting company will make the decision to take these projects on, but when proper precautions are taken, it can be accomplished. However, roofing companies must keep the complications that come with winter projects in mind.

Examples include:

1. Slippery surfaces– If weather is inclement, the roof can start to freeze, causing the installer to lose balance and risk being hurt. Hiring an experienced crew who implements safety protocols is the best move. Don’t be scared to ask for examples of their work during the winter months and what precautions they take! Do they have more staff onsite than usual? Extra harnesses? These are all things to keep in mind.

2. Freezing temperatures– As noted in the previous point, freezing temperatures can create safety hazards for the crew onsite. In addition to slippery surfaces, crews run the risk of hypothermia in extreme circumstances. It’s important to bundle up and wear gear suitable for cold weather such as proper footwear and gloves.

3. Tool efficiency– Lower temperatures mean tools may not operate as normal. One of the most common tools affected by cold weather is nail guns since they’re powered by compressed air. Water could freeze in the airlines, which reduces the airflow to drive the nails. Installers will need to make extra effort to ensure their work is quality.

4. Material issues– Unfortunately, there are some materials that aren’t suitable for a winter project, and others that need to be installed when the temperature is above 40 degrees. Since temperatures vary in Missouri on a day-to-day basis, it’s important to ensure the correct material is chosen. Your crew should be experts on this topic and present options that work best for season and your budget.

5. Shorter days– Working with changing weather conditions and daylight savings time can pose a problem for inexperienced crews. Time management is more important than ever, along with having open and honest communication with your customers throughout the project. Keeping these items in mind, an experienced installer will know that rushing a job can have serious implications. Additionally, it’s important to understand a winter project may take longer to complete than a build being done during the spring or summer months.

Sometimes roofing problems can’t wait and repairs need to take place during the winter months. It happens more often than you think! There are complications to keep in mind while approaching the project, but an experienced roofing company will have no problem tackling it. If you find yourself needing someone to look over your roof this winter, reach out to Aspen Contracting. We have representatives available 24/7 to answer your questions and offer free inspections! Call 877-784-ROOF for further information.


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